Thursday, August 27, 2009

6 am??? What was I thinking???

In my first post I mentioned a work out a co-worker of mine calls "misery in the morning". This is a group training workout led by another co-worker of mine named David aka The Evil One (he is a professional personal trainer.) A small band of us with amazingly different abilities come together every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 6 am to be tortured, ummm, I mean encouraged by David. There is me, Colette - my partner in crime when it comes to the upcoming marathon and my soul sister, Dan - an avid runner and all around smart a$$, Jim - an intense, yet pleasingly sarcastic and annoyingly physically fit friend, and Brenda - one of the sweetest humans I have ever met who once laid down on the floor of the YMCA in the middle of our workout because ....well, I am not sure why....I guess she needed a rest! We joke, we laugh, we encourage, we sweat. I love two things about this twice a week ritual. The first is the endorphin release that makes me feel like I could walk on water that I experience after nearly every workout. The second is this group of people that accepts me for who I am right now yet still believes I can become something better and is willing to put up with my weak, slow presence until I do so. Having them in my life makes me a lucky girl!

2 poached eggs
2 slices of light toast

Weight Watcher's Smart Ones Quesadilla (always makes me think of Napoleon Dynamite)

100 calorie popcorn pack

Astronaut chicken (rotisserie have to read Stephen King's Duma Key to get the connection)
Amazing salad - greens, avocado, feta, sunflower seed, tomatoes fresh from someoneelse's garden (thanks Dr.!), and mushrooms
Baked Potato with light sour cream

100 calorie pack cookies and light/sugar free ice cream

Misery in the Morning
1.55 miles on the treadmill in the pm (30 minutes...I think I can, I think I can....)

Today when I was on the treadmill a friend of mine, Lindsey, joined in on the treadmill next to me. Lindsey is actually "Lindsey B Foxy"....she used to be "Lindsey B Chunky" (please forgive me L, but I couldn't resist!) and she is a big inspiration to me mentally. She asked about my exercise routine and I told her that I had been alternating between deep water aerobics and misery in the morning in the AM and doing my walking in the evenings. She said "So, how long will you be doing two-a-days?" What an interesting way to describe it. And my first instinct was to say...."two-a-days are for serious athletes, I am just trying to fight myself out of this fat suit." But in that split second I embraced the idea of being an athlete. My beautiful daughter Alex reminded me yesterday that I am what I think I am. And today I choose to be an athlete.


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