Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Love a Man in Uniform

Among my many bad habits: I used to end the day the way most people start their day --with a bowl of cereal. A "bowl" of cereal might not be the most accurate description. A vat of cereal....a cauldron of cereal.....bowls so big if you let go of the spoon you could loose get the picture. In fact, that is what I want right now. A vat of Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries (although I never quite got over them abandoning the all red crunchberry motif). However, I never quite reached the extreme of Janine Sugawara of California who sued General Mills for -
wait for it....wait for it....
...misleading her into believing that crunchberries are a REAL fruit. I kid you not. I quote: “A reasonable consumer would not be deceived into believing that the product in the instant case contained a fruit that does not exist,” the judge said in his ruling. “So far as this Court has been made aware, there is no such fruit growing in the wild or occurring naturally in any part of the world.” Check it out for yourself
So, I may have not been so blinded by the handsome Cap'n to believe that there is anything faintly resembling fruit in that big yellow box, but I did somehow convince myself that after a day full of food that I was so hungry at 10 o'clock at night that I needed to carb load with a gallon bucket of the stuff. Why? Because it made me feel good. The same way a good hot shower feels after a day of hard physical labor. The same good I used to experience smoking a cigarette after a meal. But, much like cigarettes, that good is deceptive. It only lasts as long (at best) as it takes to put away the box and wash the bowl.
Now I am looking to replace the Cap'n - I'm sorry Horatio! yes, that really is his name. I must tell you goodbye. You are just no good for me! Sure, we had some good times, but it all ended up the same way....on my butt. Tonight I am going to bed with a belly full of H2O and my dignity.

Weight Watcher English Muffin
1 T peanut butter

Cobb Salad with lite ranch and lite french

Vanilla yogurt with sliced strawberries and granola

Broccoli Potato Soup
Spinach Salad

DQ ice cream sandwich

Deep Water Aerobics

I went to Legends today for lunch. They have a fairly small lunch menu, but an extensive regular menu. I'll bet I read through that thing 10 times, mentally calculating points. It felt like I had a little devil Annie on one shoulder whispering "aww, come on. a few onion rings ain't gonna kill you. and just because the menu describes the shrimp as 'smothered' how bad can that be?" And then on my other shoulder was a little angel Annie shouting "Don't do it! That sh*t will kill you!!!!" So what made me order the lunch sized cobb salad instead of the mountain of onion rings? It was this right here. I tried to imagine coming back here to type my day and admit having eaten two days worth of calories at one meal. So, thanks! You really helped me today. I can't wait until tomorrow!



  1. Dear AnnieBFat,
    You have the power to create. Your power is so strong that whatever you believe will come true. You create yourself, what ever that is that you belief you are. You are the way you are because this is what you have believed about yourself. Your whole reality everything you believe is your creation/your dream. The main difference between you and the others humans in this world is that you are choosing to apply your power to create yourself for who you want to become. I hope that you have success in creating yourself! Making AnnieBFat be who she really wants Anne to be. The Anne who you would like to become - become your dream... no two humans can live the same dream... though I wish I could with you but I cannot.
    All I can do is have compassion for you. Not feel sorry love does not feel sorry - Fear feels sorry. Love feels compassion.
    You must make your dreams come true!


  2. Thank you for sharing your journey with us Anne. I truly appreciate your transparency. So many of us can relate to what you are saying, we're just too prideful and fearful to admit it. You're going to be a great jump start to my day! Keep it up!! Paula

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear AnnieB.Fat there is a secret admirer watching your progress and is inspired by your commitment I am with youand I am for you bring on AnnieB fit

  5. Thanks Paula for your encouragment...I need all that I can get!

  6. Dear Mr. Anonymous,
    I am sure you are a handsome devil, but I am very very happily married to the most handom-est man in the universe. Sorry to break your heart.
    love, your wife,
    Annie B
