Thursday, September 24, 2009

After my last post, a friend of mine sent me a link to this is a must see!

FDA Approves Depressant Drug For The Annoyingly Cheerful

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm Baaacccckk....did you miss me?

Ok, the truth is, I can be lazy.  So sue me.  But I missed you all! 

I love the TV show the Biggest Loser.  And, I am not afraid to admit it.  This morning during water aerobics I had an interesting conversation about this show:

her:  "oh my gosh! how can you watch that!  It is ridiculous.  I mean, they are teaching a bunch of really unhealthy people all the wrong things (note...this woman is skinny). one can lose that much weight realistically in 12 weeks."

me:  "well, it isn't actually 12 weeks, I think it is more like 24 since they go home for quite a while before the finale"

her: "whatever!  Again, I think it is wrong to mislead people that clearly have a problem"

me:  "Well, I am one of those people that clearly has a problem and I no way expect to be able to replicate those results.  For me, I figure if that group of people can do that in 24 weeks, surely I can do it in a year"

her: (big eye roll) "its just stupid."

That show inspires me.  But, I have noticed a couple things that worry me.  Have you noticed that about mid-way through they start weighing in WITH their shirts ON??  I think I know you?  I also would love to know more about what they eat.  Sure, there are a bunch of Biggest Loser books out there, but do they tell us what they really eat?  And, do they have access to "bad" stuff?  hmmm, inquiring minds want to know! 

Been doing pretty good, obviously I have not been journaling.  The weird thing about food is this.....when I eat food that is healthy I LOVE it.  I mean, what is not to love about marinated Salmon, or a great salad, or brown rice, or veggies and hummus???  If only I could remember my love for fresh, healthy food when a cheeseburger is calling my name!

I am fully back at it!  My thighs are screaming from my "misery in the morning" yesterday, and my abs are not very happy either.  But, its a good pain.

I have thought long and hard before speaking what is on my mind lately.  And I realized, that if my issue was diabetes, or kidney failure, or even my always painful knee I wouldn't hesitate to talk about it.  But this is different, because it is my brain.  I suffer from significant bouts with depression.  Medication helps, but I have noticed that only with the addition of one of two other "treatments"  do I truly feel positive and happy----those two other treatments?  food in large quantities or exercize.  I have tested this theory out many times, and I am now convinced.  If I don't want to spend my life curled up in a ball in the corner of my room then I either have to carry a spare bag of chocolate covered donuts around, or I MUST exercise.  And a gentle walk around the block will not do.  Fairly intense, consistent exercise is my only hope.  The great thing about the exercise option is that it lasts allllll day.  When I do early morning intense work outs, the rest of my day is pretty sunny.  When I treat my depression with food, I need to "eat and repeat" numerous times a day.  Now, if only can remember these two things:
I love healthy food
I love the way exercise makes me feel


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Food Pushers

You know the deal, you are going about your business.  Staying focused, doing your "thing",when it happens.  It happened to me this morning.  I took Jordan to volleyball at the unGodly hour of 6:10 am and then I swung by Kwik Star to get a cup of coffee.  I meander up to the counter and, as if in slllllooooowwwww mmmmooooooottttioooon, the clerk says:  (all seductive like) would you like a breakfast sandwich with that?  Maybe a donut?  I blurt out NO.  My mind reeling as if the guy had just offered me crack or something.    I smiled a shaky smile, hoping that I didn't sound like I had just chewed through the restraints, slapped down my money and fled the store.  

I know it is their job.  I know that is how they are trained.  I know many of them are required to up-sell their customers.  But, I hate it.  I really do.  It is relentless----I find myself battling these food pushers all day every day.  NO, I do not want fries with that.  NO, I would not like to make it a megamonster size for only a dime more.  NO, I don't care if it IS buy one get one free, I only want one.  NO, I would not like to look at your dessert menu. 

I am pretty sure that this is one of the many reasons America is so fat.  We are number one in regard to the number of obese people while France is number 23.  I have never been to France, but I am pretty sure when you order your cappuccino, the very chic waiter does not say...."vould you like a buttery croissant wiz zat?" or, "vould you like to zuper zize that?"  I could be wrong.  But I doubt it.

Ok, lets call it a "do over" for this weekend.  It wasn't horrible, but it was less than stellar.  And, with my wretched cough and sore throat, I lost count of the bomb pops----at least they are only 65 calories each.  My worst offense was yesterday evening....a Stouffers pot pie.  14 points.  Not the best choice, but at least I didn't zuper zize it and have two (which I would have in the old days).

I am a little nervous about this.  I am not sure how to get back to it without overdoing it and prolonging my recovery....and ideas or suggestions?

For those of you that don't really know me, I am a Disney World fanatic.  This may be an understatement.  At all times I am planning our next trip.  I don't think that the landing at Normandy had as detailed plans as I make for our trips to see the mouse.  And I do this to ensure that our trips are as effortless at possible.  Once we get to Orlando, we barely have to think, because the plans are made, the index cards are at the ready, and we just follow the plan.  I have even gone so far as to know everything I am going to order where, when, and how much it is going to cost.  On our first trip, I was only off our budget by about 40 bucks....and for those of you that have gone to WDW, you know this is pretty amazing.

This also works for me for everyday life and menu planning.  When I have a well thought out plan, I rarely overeat or eat what I shouldn't.  I simply follow the plan.  Obsessive?  maybe.  Does it work?  most definitely.  This is essential.  I know this.  Starting this week, instead of posting in my food diary what I have eaten, I will post my plan for the week by the end of the day Friday (Monday this week, since I didn't do it Friday).  Then, I will simply update it with any changes or additions as real life happens.  Now, when the kwik trip food pusher asks me if I want a chunka-lunka cookie with my coffee, I won't even have to think about it.


Friday, September 4, 2009

It's all a blur

What a week.  Jordan has H1N1 AND walking pneumonia, Taylor has a wicked cough, and I have some nasty upper respiratory something.  It has been miserable.  Jordan started having a cough last week and it just kept getting worse.  I have barely been able to function, let alone work out or post, but I did keep a pretty good food diary (yay for me!).  I thought that the laundry list of what I ate tended to clutter up the blog, so I have started a side blog of my daily food intake.  You can see it at  .  Not exactly the most titillating reading, but if you are curious what ONE item I ate yesterday had 18 points (742 calories, 36 grams of fat), check it out.

Monday - 28
Tuesday - 26.5
Wed. - 24
Thursday - 52

The major exercise I have done this week involved coughing so hard that my ab muscles cramped up....does that count???

My friend Karen made a comment on one of my posts that really caught my attention.  She used the term "binge".  I had never really thought before about the way I eat being a form of bingeing.  But really, what else could you call eating an entire bag of chocolate covered donuts, or half a package of oreos?  It is hard to admit that I binge eat.  (and the smart a$$ in me wonders why I never got to the purge part).  But it is true.  Even with so called healthy food I tend to binge.  I would like to adhere to Dr. Switzer's method as seen here:

And while that might work for some, I have decided to connect to the website Karen suggested, Shrink Yourself.  It is a self-guided program to help identify the issues surronding over eating and identifying ways to overcome them.  I LOVE anything with an internet interface, so this really flipped my switch.  You can try it free for a week.

The good news is that I have not truly binged on anything this week.  And with increased awareness I think I can keep it that way.