Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So it begins....again

Sigh. I used to be thin. No, really. I used to be in pretty good shape. Maybe not uber-thin like the Olson twin with the "issues", but I must admit I was pretty hot. Now, I am fat. Don't start doing that thing that people do --- "oh, you are not fat" or ::giggle:: "you are not". YES I AM. I do own a mirror, people! I am fat. I just ran to the scale to check, and I am 225.5 pounds and 5' 4". Fat.

But, I am here to do something about that, and I am inviting you along. Lucky you. So here is the deal. I am going to journal my way to Annie B Fit. My plan of attack is three pronged: eat right, exercise, and change my brain. That third thing is what this blog is really about. I will, of course, be journaling my eating and exercise habits, but it is here that the real work of "getting my mind right" as my Grandpa would say. Along the way I will tell you what is working, what isn't, and any tips and tricks I come across.

So, a little about this journey so far. Yesterday was my "re-re-re-re commit" day. Why re-re-re-re? Well, if I put all the re's that I should it would take pages. It isn't like this is my first rodeo. I have tried for years. But, as Yoda would say, "Do or do not, their is no try." So, yesterday was the start of my do-over. I ate well (29 points eaten minus 5 activity points, for you weight watcher folks) and I went to water aerobics. Yeah Me! Today was good, too. I have 5.5 points left and I have not used my activity points which are probably about 3.

My intent will be to tell you each day what I have eaten and what exercise I have done and what I have done about "getting my mind right" GMMR!. So....let's start today!

Breakfast - 3 points
Weight Watcher Bagel
1 T veggie cream cheese

Lunch - 9 points
Leftover Macaroni Pie (yumm-o!)

Supper - 9
Lime Tilapia

For a snack I will be having hummus and pita to round out my day.

Only got to do 10 minutes of "misery in the morning"...I'll tell you more about that another day!
30 minutes walking (1.5 miles....pathetic, but I gotta start somewhere!)
Physical Therapy Exercises - 20 minutes

An expected challenge has popped up. Jordan, my middle daughter, has volleyball practice every morning at 6:30. Both of my preferred classed start at 6:00 am. What to do, what to do. I really can't start later, since my youngest still needs some supervision getting ready in the morning., so I must be home by 7 am. Any and all suggestions are welcome!

My buddy Collete loaned me her "Marathons for Mortals" book. I had already read "Running for Mortals" which is A-MAZE-ING and highly entertaining to boot. I strongly recommend it for anyone that thinks they can't exercise. But I digress. The Marathon book has some great training plans to choose from.

Wait, you say?



You must be wondering what in the world I could be talking about. There is no easy way to put it. I am signed up to do a half marathon on January 9th, 2010. Gulp. We have planned our entire family vacation around it, so, it must happen. Never a dull moment.



  1. You can do this Anne. I believe in you! A couple of websites you might want to check out are www.myfitnesspal.com for logging food and/or exercise. And www.shrinkyourself.com for the GMMR. You don't have to join - I get emails from them all the time with little articles of wisdom on my emotional eating issues.

  2. Thanks Karen! It is great having you on my side....it is also nice to know that skinny girls have emotional eating issues too!

  3. Dear AnnieBFat,
    You have the power to create. Your power is so strong that whatever you believe will come true. You create yourself, what ever that is that you belief you are. You are the way you are because this is what you have believed about yourself. Your whole reality everything you believe is your creation/your dream. The main difference between you and the others humans in this world is that you are choosing to apply your power to create yourself for who you want to become. I hope that you have success in creating yourself! Making AnnieBFat be who she really wants Anne to be. The Anne who you would like to become - become your dream... no two humans can live the same dream... though I wish I could with you but I cannot.
    All I can do is have compassion for you. Not feel sorry love does not feel sorry - Fear feels sorry. Love feels compassion.
    You must make your dreams come true!


  4. Alex...now you need to know that you made me cry. Thanks for your amazingly touching words. And, it is my intention to make my dreams come true. I do believe that I am beautiful....I just want to be more beautiful-er! (is that a word??) I love you!

  5. Well Anne, let it never be said we weren't cut from the same cloth. I read your blog like it's me speaking....minus the kids, substitute in "dogs". Otherwise, I too cannot believe myself. I am going BACK to Weight Watchers on Saturday 9/26, morning and that's that. I am a Lifetime member....lost 35 lb, 10+ years ago. Means NOTHING to a 45 year old body!! F-that. I was single then, 1 bed room apt to clean, could take any job, as I had a car paid off and cheap rent....ah bliss. Now, real work must commence. No choice, I look awful in pictures, avoid them altogether if I can. No hotness for me. Kepp it up. Good luck and I will check back soon.
    I wish we lived closer so I could see you....I miss you.
