Friday, September 4, 2009

It's all a blur

What a week.  Jordan has H1N1 AND walking pneumonia, Taylor has a wicked cough, and I have some nasty upper respiratory something.  It has been miserable.  Jordan started having a cough last week and it just kept getting worse.  I have barely been able to function, let alone work out or post, but I did keep a pretty good food diary (yay for me!).  I thought that the laundry list of what I ate tended to clutter up the blog, so I have started a side blog of my daily food intake.  You can see it at  .  Not exactly the most titillating reading, but if you are curious what ONE item I ate yesterday had 18 points (742 calories, 36 grams of fat), check it out.

Monday - 28
Tuesday - 26.5
Wed. - 24
Thursday - 52

The major exercise I have done this week involved coughing so hard that my ab muscles cramped up....does that count???

My friend Karen made a comment on one of my posts that really caught my attention.  She used the term "binge".  I had never really thought before about the way I eat being a form of bingeing.  But really, what else could you call eating an entire bag of chocolate covered donuts, or half a package of oreos?  It is hard to admit that I binge eat.  (and the smart a$$ in me wonders why I never got to the purge part).  But it is true.  Even with so called healthy food I tend to binge.  I would like to adhere to Dr. Switzer's method as seen here:

And while that might work for some, I have decided to connect to the website Karen suggested, Shrink Yourself.  It is a self-guided program to help identify the issues surronding over eating and identifying ways to overcome them.  I LOVE anything with an internet interface, so this really flipped my switch.  You can try it free for a week.

The good news is that I have not truly binged on anything this week.  And with increased awareness I think I can keep it that way.


  1. Chocolate Concrete Shake - Good lord mama I bet that was yummy!
    And STOP IT makes me laugh every-time!

    I miss you. I am glad you are GYMR!
    Wish I could be with you while you are not in good health, I will wish for you!


  2. I LOVED the Stop it video. (Love Newhart all the way around.) But what a great concept and so dang true it hurts. It's always been amazing to me what my inner voice tries to make me believe....grrrr....back off "B"!
    Sorry you've been sick - but soooo glad to hear you're still on track! Keep it up!!
